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Diastasis Recti. What is it? What can I do to fix it?


What is Diastasis Recti?
Diastasis recti is common in women who are over 35, deliver a high birth weight baby or have a multiple pregnancy. It's usually most noticeable right after delivery. It also occurs in middle aged and older men with abdominal obesity.
Diastasis Recti,  before I had it I never knew it existed. And the cause 9 out of 10 times is from pregnancy unfortunately.  I had 2 kids via c section and after my first son noticed a dome shape boulge above my belly button if I was lying down and was getting up. I really took note when other people started noticing saying I should have it checked out as it looked like I had a hernia. But through all doctors visits all of them , well most of them said it's not a hernia, its Diastasis Recti that can be fixed with exercises.  Surgery wasn't a option and in this week done some phoning around because if I can get surgery done to close the gap I would go for it but my medical aid and all medical aids doesnt cover that type of operation which falls under the tummy tuck and plastic surgery side. I have done exercises but also cant commit to it so it's super difficult for me.

How can I test if I have Diastasis Recti?
1. Lie on your back with knees bent, feet flat on the floor.
2. Place fingers just above belly button.
3. Lift head and neck slightly off the floor, press down with fingertips. You will feel the muscles close around fingers as you lift your head and neck.

The best exercises I have hear of and want to try out is 2 different but similar ones and in my opinion the standing up one is the easiest.  
First exercise:
You breath deep in, then breathe out and as you breath out pull in your stomach the put hands by your head and twist side to side 10 times. Do it at least 10 times a day.  So in a day you will be doing 100 twists. This exercise I seen that Heidi Powell only does to get such good abs and she has a few kids.

Second exercise:
This exercise I seen on a lady on Instagram and her results were good, she seen results within 4 months by doing it everyday.
This exercise is super difficult because you have to concentrate so much. The way I done it was lie on my bed or floor then use your hands to put them just above your hips like a corset, knees bent , breathe in and as you breathe out then bring both hands in as if you are putting on a corset and while doing that pull in your stomach to the floor and hold for 10 seconds , do for 10 min , 4 times a day but I started with only doing 10 minutes 1 time a day. 

Let me know if you also have Diastasis Recti and what you do about it or if you had it but got the gap closed. 
Please share.
Join me in trying to get ' us ' moms bodies back. 
Hope this helped you and please share with someone you know going through the same.


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