Battling to fall PREGNANT? Read this, its my story of why I couldnt get pregnant and it could be the same reason you aren't falling pregnant!
I , like I'm sure most women, couldn't wait to be all grown up, meet a man, get married and have a baby.
But it isnt also just to easy. Many woman battle to convince ( get pregnant) . Some get pregnant straight away, some it takes months, some it takes years and sadly some never get to be pregnant which I think is so heartbreaking, to never know how it feels to have a human ( baby ) growing inside of you.
I was in the similar situation but mine was a few months. We tried and nothing happened, then I decided to go to a gynecologist just to see if maybe something was wrong. So I went for a scan to check my pelvis and as the doctor was checking, she said my cervix is tilted. Lol I didnt even know what my cervix is and where exactly it was and also its function. But the doctor explained that that is the channel which the sperm goes through to get to the eggs. I will put a google definition here:
The cervix is a cylinder-shaped neck of tissue that connects the vagina and uterus. Located at the lowermost portion of the uterus, the cervix is composed primarily of fibromuscular tissue.
The cervix acts as the door to the uterus which sperm can travel through to fertilize eggs. When your body is not carrying a child, your cervix helps keep unhealthy things out of your body, like tampons and bath water. When you’re pregnant, the cervix helps keep the baby in place until it’s fully developed.
Okay, so now you know the function of the cervix . Now why is it difficult to get pregnant if your cervix is tilted? Your cervix can be tilted upwards or downwards. If a cervix is tilted upwards or downwards, the sperm cant travel through the channel to the egg or it travels in another direction and never reaches the egg, in which case you cant at all get pregnant.
But there is hope. I just cant remember if my cervix is pointing upwards or downwards but if you have a tilted cervix you doctor will give you the best advice. My doctor said to me that when I am trying for a baby and having babies intercourse with my husband and the sperm is ready to get to the egg, I must lift my legs as high as possible, so if I'm lying on the bed and the sperm is ready to enter the channel, I must lift both my legs as high as possible and have it like that for 10 to 15 minutes, and I'm telling you it really worked and within a month I was pregnant.
So if you having trouble getting pregnant go to your gynecologist, maybe you have the same problem? Or if you want to try something, why not try lifting your legs during intercourse when the sperm is near your channel and then keeping in that position for 10 to 15 min. Who knows? Maybe it will work? It's worth the try.
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